速報APP / 懷孕與育兒 / Cat Memory - Management of anniv. and sc

Cat Memory - Management of anniv. and sc





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:#A103 6-19-11 Suzaku Nara-shi Nara-ken 631-0806 Japan

Cat Memory - Management of anniv. and sched. -(圖1)-速報App

When you set an anniversary or a planned date,

this application will show how many days have elapsed from that day,

will show days until that day.


When you register someone's birthday, what you can check:

• How many years and months old is the person

• How many days since the person was born

• How many days until the person's next birthday

Please register the birthday of your important people, friends and children.

[Wedding / Death / Other Anniversary]

When you register an anniversary, what you can check:

Cat Memory - Management of anniv. and sched. -(圖2)-速報App

• How many years and months passed since the anniversary

• How many days passed since the anniversary

• How many days until the next anniversary

Please register the event to send a message or celebrate every year.

[Expected date of birth for Japanese]

When you register your expected birth date, what you can check:

• How many weeks and days after pregnancy

• How many days after pregnancy

• How many days until date of birth

# Caution

How many weeks and days after pregnancy is different in country and region.

Cat Memory - Management of anniv. and sched. -(圖3)-速報App

This application uses Japanese style.

It may be different from what you want. Please be careful.

[Drinking Party / Trip & Travel / Other Schedule]

When you register scheduled date, what you can check:

• How many days until scheduled date

Please register some fun events such as holiday party and graduation trips

or events you should not forget such as exams.


When you press the "Share" button, you can share images with SNS or e-mail, etc...

Please use it.


Cat Memory - Management of anniv. and sched. -(圖4)-速報App

In case of trouble with using this application,

We do not take any responsibility.

Cat Memory - Management of anniv. and sched. -(圖5)-速報App